Children director

The childeren director of Warmuseum Overloon

In addition to the 'big' director, Overloon War Museum also has a Children's Director since Saturday, November 19, 2022. The museum found the perfect candidate in Liam Spikmans. Liam gave an impressive speech about freedom and his involvement in telling World War II stories during the National May 5 celebration on television. Liam introduces herself below.

Hi I'm Liam Spikmans and I'm 13 years old. I'm from Eindhoven and I'm going to HAVO of the Augustinianum. I am very interested in the war myself, because it is very impressive to me how freedom can be taken away from you like that. I started doing a lot with the war when I became a heritage bearer (that means you tell other people a war story from an elder from the city you come from). And my great-grandmother also told stories to me through my mother. I am also very honored that the Overloon museum chooses me as its first children's director. I am someone who says yes pretty quickly but I had to think about this for a while but in the end I said yes. And I'm going to do my best to do lots of fun things for kids and get more kids here.

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